I'm developing a iOS application which works as BLE Central. I want to relaunch the application, even after its termination, if it detects peripheral devices.
I created my central manager according to the Apple's programming guide in section "Performing Long-Term Actions in the Background". https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/NetworkingInternetWeb/Conceptual/CoreBluetooth_concepts/CoreBluetoothBackgroundProcessingForIOSApps/PerformingTasksWhileYourAppIsInTheBackground.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40013257-CH7-SW1
But the app. relaunches only in particular condition.
- Start [RUN] on Xcode and go into backgroud by pushing [HOME] of iPhone, then [STOP] on Xcode
In this case, my app relaunch ([application didFinishLaunchWithOption] and [central willRestoreState] is called) after peripheral device start advertising.
In the situations like below my app doesn't relaunch even after peripheral device start advertising.
- Start [RUN] and [STOP] on Xcode (Stop when the app. is in foreground)
- When the app. is in background, double click [HOME] on iPhone and terminate the app. by swiping upward.
- After the reboot of iPhone
I'm creating and initiating my central manager normally.
NSDictionary *options = @{
CBCentralManagerOptionRestoreIdentifierKey : kBlitCentralMgrRestoreIdKey,
CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey : @YES,
self.centralMgr = [[[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:nil options:options] autorelease];
If you have any idea to resolve the issue, please let me know. I appreciate you kind cooperation.