I am using the Twilio SDK (Java) to make a call to a U.S. mobile phone number and when the user answers the phone I want to have a TwiML file say a message and get the digit the user presses. But Twilio seems to completely ignore the Gather and Pause verbs in the TwiML. Twilio dials the phone number as expected but when the user answers the call, Twilio recites all the Say verbs in the TwiML below, the Gather and Pause have no effect and Twilio disconnects the call. Also although the Say verbs specify a woman's voice Twilio uses a male voice for these.
Is there a way to get the Gather and Pause working in the TwiML below? Is there a way to make the Say statements use a woman's voice? Note that I am using a trial Twilio account.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Say voice="woman">This is a courtesy phone call from YourCompany.</Say>
<Say voice="woman">Please press one to buy our products.</Say>
<Say voice="woman">Press two to be removed from our list.</Say>
<Pause length="5" />
<Gather timeout="60" numDigits="1" method="POST" action="http://twimlets.com/echo?Twiml=%3CResponse%3E%3CSay%3EHi+there.%3C%2FSay%3E%3C%2FResponse%3E" >
<Pause length="30" />
<Say voice="woman">Goodbye.</Say>
s and<Pause>
s inside the<Gather>
so that users can press as soon as they know what they want. – philnash