
I have created a comment model and trying to fetch all comments records. But I need a meta info total comments which is getting as a separate attribute outside comments array.

I am using Ember store.query to fetch records from rest service(I tried store.findAll, but it is giving me only record array of comments in promise response. Is it possible to modify that?). I am getting the records with total comments(meta) while using store.query(), but that record array is not getting updated when we save new records.

After doing some analysis I found that we can use filter for loading the live record, but filter is now deprecated in Ember(Ember 2.5.1). From the documentation It is clear that we can use ember-data-filter for loading live record. But I am confused to use that addon(Mentioned like it has some memory leakage issue) and not sure whether I will get meta information from response. Is there is any other way to fetch live records with meta information from the response.

Anyone please suggest a solution


2 Answers


After doing some analysis, I found a solution to access meta data using store.findAll(). We can use typeMapFor in the findAll response to get the meta info in the response


Full code below,

store.findAll("comment").then(function(response) {
    var meta = store.typeMapFor(response.type);

    // your meta info will be in meta.metadata
    // var totalComments = meta.metadata.totalComments;

And the response record array is liveRecords which will get updated automatically, if we save new records.

store.query("comment").then(function(response) {
    var meta = response.get("meta");
    // We will get meta like this but reponse record array is not a liveRecords

Response getting from store.query() is just a recordArray (not liveRecords) which will not get updated with new records


If you want an array of all records that updates as new records are populated you can use peekAll which returns a live record array.

Added Code sample:

loadRecords: function (){
    this.set('allComments', store.peekAll('comment'));

recordCount: Ember.computed.alias('allComments.length')