I have a dynamic named range "GIO" like this, say all the named references within are one worksheet A:
=OFFSET(INDEX(LatestTRDays,1,MATCH("709-HK",LatestTRDaysCols,0)),0,0,4+'Price Mod2'!C9-INDEX(AquisitionDates,1,MATCH("709-HK",LatestTRDaysCols,0)),1)
On worksheets A, B, C-H I can use this named range in formulas like =SUM(GIO) or to create sparklines, but on worksheet J, this will give me a #REF! error. The dynamic named range seems to work on every other worksheet in the workbook, but not for worksheet J.
There are no conflicting named ranges at any scope, copying and pasting worksheet J content into a new worksheet does not solve the problem, nor does renaming the dynamic named range.