I having trouble seeing where I'm going wrong. I have python code to use OpenCV2 to calculate the features of 2 images, match then and plot the most similar points. If I run the individual code it works and I can change the name of the 2nd image file, when I try to automate it to loop through a directory of images to compare to the 1st image I get the following error on Ubuntu 14.04, OpenCV 3.10
Besides the roughness of my code, anyone see why the loop errors out but the individual comparisons don't?
opencv/modules/core/src/stat.cpp:3749: error: (-215) type == src2.type() && src1.cols == src2.cols && (type == CV_32F || type == CV_8U) in function batchDistance
Individual Code
import sys
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
#Load the crest and create a grey version
crest = cv2.imread('Crest.png')
greyCrest = cv2.cvtColor(crest,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#Create the ORB Object and BruteForce
#Use Hamming Distance as its ORD (other algorithms would use a different distance measure)
BruteForceMatch = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
#Calculate the keypoints and descriptors for the crest
Crestkeypoints,Crestdescriptor = orb.detectAndCompute(greyCrest,None)
testimage = cv2.imread('OtherImage.jpg')
testkeypoints, testdescriptors = orb.detectAndCompute(testimage,None)
#Basic Idea
matches = BruteForceMatch.match(Crestdescriptor,testdescriptors)
#Sort the matches so the strongest are at the top
matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x.distance)
Title = "Total Matched " + str(len(matches)) +" Plotting Top 40"
#display the top 40 matches on the plot
MatchImage = cv2.drawMatches(greyCrest,Crestkeypoints,testimage,testkeypoints,matches[:40],testimage,flags=2)
#This gets rid of the blue tint to the end image when plotting OpenCV image in Matplotlib because of the RGB ,BGR difference
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(MatchImage, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
#Pause for 10 Seconds so you can see the plot
#Have to close as for some reason the figures weren't plotting correctly when I ran the code the 2nd time
Looping Code
Below is code to loop through a directory, load the image into OpenCV, calculate the keypoints and features of the image and compare it to a search image before getting the number of matches and plotting the top 40 matches
#Load the crest and create a grey version
import cv2
import os
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
crest = cv2.imread('Crest.png')
greyCrest = cv2.cvtColor(crest,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
#Create the ORB Object and BruteForce
#Use Hamming Distance as its ORD (other algorithms would use a different distance measure)
BruteForceMatch = cv2.BFMatcher(cv2.NORM_HAMMING,crossCheck=True)
#Calculate the keypoints and descriptors for the crest
Crestkeypoints,Crestdescriptor = orb2.detectAndCompute(greyCrest,None)
#Get the folder of Images to be matched with ORB 1 by 1 against the Search Image
for ImageToProcess in os.listdir('/MatchWithORB'):
print "Processing Image", ImageToProcess
#Load the current Image as greyscale and calculate the keypoints, descriptors
CurrentImage = cv2.imread(ImageToProcess,cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
currImageKeyPoints, currImageDescriptors = orb2.detectAndCompute(CurrentImage,None)
#Get the matches between the current image and the crest
matches = BruteForceMatch.match(Crestdescriptor,currImageDescriptors)
Title = "Crest Total Matched " + str(len(matches)) +" Plotting Top 40 " +ImageToProcess
# Sort them so the top matches are higher
matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x.distance)
MatchImage = cv2.drawMatches(greyCrest,Crestkeypoints,CurrentImage,currImageKeyPoints,matches[:40],CurrentImage,flags=2)