
I have a csv file that looks like this:


When I run the HTTP Post Request to create a new customer, I get a JSON response. I am extracting the cust_id and cust_name using the json extractor. How can I enter this new value into the csv for the correct variable? For example, after creating the customer, the csv would look like this:

1234,My Customer Name

Or once I create a user, the file might look like this:

1234,My Customer Name,,,,9876,myusername

In my searching through the net, I have found ways and I'm able to append these extracted variables to a new line but in my case, I need to replace the value in the correct location so it is associated to the correct variable I have set up in the csv file.


3 Answers


I believe what you're looking to do can be done via a BeanShell PostProcessor and is answered here.


Thank you for the reply. I ended up using User Defined Variables for some things and BeanShell PreProcessors for other bits vs. using the CSV.


Well, never tried this. But what you can do is create all these variables and set them to Null / 0.

Once done, update these during your execution. At the end, you can concatenate these with any delimiter (say ; or Tab) and just push in CSV as a single string. Once you got data in CSV, you can easily split in Ms excel.