
We're seeing an issue where consumers of our message queues are picking up messages from queues at the top of the alphabetical range. We have two applications: a producer, and a subscriber. We're using RabbitMQ 3.6.1.

Let's say that the message queues are setup like so:

Fig A

Our first application, the producer, puts say 100 messages/second onto each queue:

Fig B

Our second application, the subscriber, has five unique consumer methods that can deal with messages on each respective queue. Each method binds to it's respective queue. A subscriber has a prefetch of 1 meaning it can only hold one message at a time, regardless of queue. We may run numerous instances of the subscriber like so:

Fig C

So the situation is thus: each queue is receiving 100 msg/sec, and we have four instances of subscriber consuming these messages, so each queue has four consumers. Let's say that the consumer methods can deal with 25 msg/sec each.

What happens is that instead of all the queues being consumed equally, the alphabetically higher queues instead get priority. It's seems as though when the subscriber becomes ready, RabbitMQ looks down the list of queues that this particular ready channel is bound to, and picks the first queue with pending messages.

In our situation, A_QUEUE will have every message consumed. B_QUEUE may have some consumed in certain race conditions, but C_QUEUE/D_QUEUE and especially E_QUEUE will rarely get touched.

If we turn off the publisher, the queues will eventually drain, top to bottom.

Is it possible to configure either RabbitMQ itself or possibly even the channel to use some sort of round robin distribution policy or maybe even random policy so that when a channel has numerous bound queues, all with messages pending, the distribution is even?


2 Answers


to clarify: you have a single subscriber application with multiple consumers in it, right?

I'm guessing you're using a single RabbitMQ Connection within the subscriber app.

Are you also re-using a single RabbitMQ Channel for all of your consumers? If so, that would be a problem. Be sure to use a new Channel for each consumer you start.


Maybe the picture is wrong, but if it's not then your setup is wrong. You don't need 4 queues if you are going to have subscribers that listen to each and every queue. You'd just need one queue, that has multiple instances of the same subscriber consuming from it.

Now to answer, yes (but no need to configure, as long as prefetch is 1), actually rabbitmq does distribute messages evenly. You can find about about that here, and on the same place actually how your setup should look like. Here is a quote from the link.

RabbitMQ just dispatches a message when the message enters the queue. It doesn't look at the number of unacknowledged messages for a consumer. It just blindly dispatches every n-th message to the n-th consumer.