I have a requirement from my customer where I need to make the footer of the website dynamic in terms of adding sublayouts in footer placeholders via page editor by the Content Author.
The footer shall consist of: One content slot - to which any sublayout/sublayouts like grid component or rich text can be added.
I want to add a new placeholder 'ContentSlotPH' to my footer which picks up its presentation details and data from a common page at "/sitecore/Content/Common/Footers/FooterContent/" ( where I have added my sublayouts like grid/richtext for the footer); and shall apply to all the pages of the website where the footer is present. I want this change to be visible on the fly so that in future if the presentation details on FooterContent page change, new presentation and data gets applied to the ContentSlotPH of the footer.
Can someone help me in implementing this?