I have some dependencies hierarchy on my form, so I implemented hierarchy check on server side of the scout. If one field is changed, it triggered check if other need to be changed as well. This is done with export/import form data.
MyFormData input = new MyFormData();
FormDataUtility.exportFormData(this, input);
input = BEANS.get(IMYService.class).validate(input, field);
FormDataUtility.importFormFieldData(this, input, false, null, null);
validate function change all other fields that need to be changed.
My problem is with editing cells in editable tables.
If I change value in cell, and this chain validation is triggered, after importing form data I lose focus in cell. So instead, tab will move me to another cell, tab trigger import and focus in cells are lost. And this is a really bad user experience.
How to fix this? How to stay in focus (of next cell) after import has been called?