I'm trying to get the sum of the particular column. I have a schema of orders, with the field total, that stores the total price. Now I'm trying to created a query that will sum total value of all the orders, however not sure if I'm doing it right. Here is what i have so far:
def create(conn, %{"statistic" => %{"date_from" => %{"day" => day_from, "month" => month_from, "year" => year_from}}}) do
date_from = Ecto.DateTime.cast!({{year_from, month_from, day_from}, {0, 0, 0, 0}})
revenue = Repo.all(from p in Order, where: p.inserted_at >= ^date_from, select: sum(p.total))
render(conn, "result.html", revenue: revenue)
And just calling it like <%= @revenue %>
in the html.eex.
As of right now, it doesn't return errors, just renders random symbol on the page, instead of the total revenue.
I think my query is wrong, but couldn't find good information about how to make it work properly. Any help appreciated, thanks!
instead ofRepo.all
. – Dogbert