
I'm trying to configure email in my magento website. My website is https://tumree.com. I just enabled contacts in system->configuration.

Send Emails To : [email protected] and Email Sender: Custom Email 2.

In store email adress, In Custom email 2, sender name: Tumree admin and sender email:[email protected]

When I'm trying to fill out the forms and submit, the msg "Form is submitted successfully". The account [email protected] receives the email with customer name,email,number,comment.

But the customer who is filled out the form with name,email etc., not receiving the mail.

I enabled in the mail settings for return-path-> yes. But I dint reflect anything. when the order is placed, the customer not receiving the mail too with order details. Pls help me here....enter link description here

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because Stack Overflow is a programming-related Q&A site. Your question is not about programming. Perhaps you should post it on magento.stackexchange.com instead?Enigmativity

1 Answers


To send emails out of your server, you probably need to do it with smtp . Your server sends emails ("Form is submitted successfully")but they are rejected from the target server. Try it with https://www.magentocommerce.com/magento-connect/smtp-pro-email-free-custom-smtp-email.html or something related.