I'm trying to move existing Jenkins build jobs to a single Jenkins 2 pipelines, and wondering if it's possible to copy files from one node to another within the build. My idea would be :
Node A (Windows)
Checkout scm
Execute ant build
Archive artifact (or whatever required action)
Node B (Unix)
Checkout scm
Copy build artifact from node A --> is this possible ?
Execute ant build
Then followed by tests...
I've tried to use the copy artifact step, but it didn't seem to work correctly, so I'm wondering if there's a way to copy files in the middle of the pipeline, or if I have to stay with the current build architecture (using copy artifact plugin, but with completely separate build jobs).
step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'dist/*.zip'])
to archive the artifact on the first node, andstep([$class: 'CopyArtifact', filter: 'dist/*.zip', fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 'PCT')
but artifacts seem to be only available after the end of the build – Gilles QUERRET