
I'm trying to move existing Jenkins build jobs to a single Jenkins 2 pipelines, and wondering if it's possible to copy files from one node to another within the build. My idea would be :

Node A (Windows)
  Checkout scm
  Execute ant build
  Archive artifact (or whatever required action)
Node B (Unix)
  Checkout scm
  Copy build artifact from node A --> is this possible ?
  Execute ant build
  Then followed by tests...

I've tried to use the copy artifact step, but it didn't seem to work correctly, so I'm wondering if there's a way to copy files in the middle of the pipeline, or if I have to stay with the current build architecture (using copy artifact plugin, but with completely separate build jobs).

Welcome to stackoverflow. You could just include the code that "didn't seem to work correctly" in your posting... ;-)StephenKing
I was using step([$class: 'ArtifactArchiver', artifacts: 'dist/*.zip']) to archive the artifact on the first node, and step([$class: 'CopyArtifact', filter: 'dist/*.zip', fingerprintArtifacts: true, projectName: 'PCT') but artifacts seem to be only available after the end of the buildGilles QUERRET

1 Answers


Yes, this is possible using the stash/unstash steps.

A tutorial about this can also be found in the Jenkins Blog (focused on parallel execution):

parallel (
    "stream 1" : { 
                     node { 
                           unstash "binary"                           
                           sh "sleep 20s" 
                           sh "echo hstream1"
    "stream 2" : { 
                     node { 
                           unstash "binary"
                           sh "echo hello2"
                           sh "hashtag fail"                                                       