
enter image description hereAfter I installed Visual Studio 2015, my NuGet package, and my visual studio 2013 this strange first when using "enable nuget package restore" visual studio breaks and freezes:

enter image description here

another thing is that the visual studio 2015 when creating any project also crash: enter image description here


3 Answers


Enable nuget package restore is obsolete, use the Automatic Package Restore instead instead. If you don't want automatic restore you can disable it in VS options.


after I reasarch, Ifound:

  1. Uninstall Nuget extension from Visual Studio 2015 RC enter image description here

2-Delete the folder in the directory showed below

enter image description here

  1. Download the installation file of the older version of Nuget extension from this link: https://yadi.sk/d/BvJopnXOgF5rX

  2. Extract the downloaded file to a folder on your machine.

  3. Open Developer Commant Promt for VS 2015 enter image description here

  4. Type this command to install it: VSIXInstaller [your_extracted_folder_path]\NuGet.Tools.vsix /admin

Example: VSIXInstaller c:\nuget14_VisualStudio\NuGet.Tools.vsix /admin

Press enter to start installing

after use visual studio..

all credits go to: https://tndhuy.wordpress.com/2015/05/14/solved-nuget-package-management-problem-in-visual-studio-2015-rc/


Visual Studio froze when I loaded a particular solution. By disabling nuget package manager it worked but I could no longer use nuget. I have removed the .vs folder from the solution and since visual studio is loading well! :-)

Maybe this can help...