
I am newbie in Tableau. I am using Tableau desktop version 9.3. I want to know whether we can create multiple tableau data extract on a single data source. As I have data of last 5 years and I want to create tde for every single year (eg. tde for year 2011, tde for year 2012). Is it possible to create different tableau data extracts on single data source in tableau desktop?


1 Answers


Yes, you can create as many extracts as you like. Do it from the sheet as opposed to the data window. Right click the data source name and choose extract. Name and save as you wish. You'll then have 5 distinct data sources.

One caveat, you'll have a better experience if you save the data source as well, not just the extract. The data source has all the metadata information in the data pane (aliases, formulas, default formats, groups etc). The extract has a copy of the data only.

The command to save a data source is "Add to Saved Data Sources". You will have the option of saving just the datasource as a TDS file or packaging your extract with the datasource as a TDSX file.

Tableau will let you save an extract and then just open that extract as a data source, known as a naked extract, but you will lose most of the metadata and the connection to the original data.

If you have Tableau Server, you can publish your datasources instead of saving them as files.