I would like to add a reference line on a 3d plot which follows the surface built with mesh(). I have 3 points in the x and y axis to build the line and so will need to interpolate to find z axis coordinates. Here is my code (with reproducible data) so far:
acceleration_dB = [0 109.3699 118.0084 133.9584 104.3017 110.5423 120.6332 140.6567 144.4194 129.7292]';
frequency = [1 50 50 50 100 100 100 100 100 500]';
voltage = [ 1.0e-04 * 0.0001 0.0968 0.1645 0.2983 0.0278 0.0368 0.0893 0.2785 0.4928 0.0780 ]';
xlin=linspace(0, max(frequency),33);
ylin=linspace(min(acceleration_dB), max(acceleration_dB),33);
[X, Y] = meshgrid(xlin,ylin);
f = scatteredInterpolant(frequency,acceleration_dB,log(voltage));
hold on
% Add threshold reference line
threshAccel = [97.0870 104.4212 109.5787]
threshFreq = [50 100 500]
Which gives:
What I would like is the black line following the plane of the surface for the whole length of the x-axis.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
? – shamalaiathreshAccel
and also get their corresponding coordinates in the z plane (so that the line actually is not 'floating' above the mesh. But I don't know how to do this. Some kind of 3d interpolation? – user3406207threshAccel
in the first place? If you do not have an analytical expression you could interpolate the three points and then calculate the newthreshAccel
using the fit parameters. – shamalaia