
I have installed the 'GoogleMaps' pod using cocoa pods and the project was building correctly, however when I transferred my project to another device through iCloud (the projects directory is in iCloud) the GoogleMaps pod stopped working. I attempted to simply run pod install again however this mad no difference, the pod is clearly there and the pod install was successful. I am beyond confused.

enter image description here

I am also launching the .xcworkspace not the .xcproject so that is already not the root of this error.maz

6 Answers


First off try to clean the project by

Command + Shift + Options + K

If I'm not mistaken, GoogleMaps framework is built from Objective-C so if there's still a problem then do the following steps:

  1. Create a bridging header file which you can trigger and setup automatically by creating a dummy Objective-C class in your Swift project. Xcode will then ask you if you would want to create a bridging header, click yes. Delete the dummy class you created after.
  2. Configure the header search path to point the Pods with recursion enter image description here

  3. Do a clean-build.


For me to fix mine, I had to update my GoogleMaps pod.

  1. To check: pod outdated
  2. To update: pod update GoogleMaps
  3. To clean cache: pod cache clean --all (or you can specify GoogleMaps)
  4. To install: pod install

This worked for me:

  1. Close the Xcode.
  2. Remove all pods from project (pod deintegrate)
  3. Clean Pods cache (pod cache clean --all)
  4. Install all pods again (pod install)

It works for me:

  1. Delete folder Pods in your project folder.

  2. Delete file podfile.look and pods.xcodeproject (not delete podfile)

  3. Close X-Code and install pods in your terminal (pod install)

  4. Open X-Code, clean the project and run.


try to comment pod GoogleMaps and another google pod on your podfile then run pod instal from terminal this will remove your pod install from your project, back to you project on pod file remove your commented pods and run pod install from terminal one more time, go to your xcode project clean and run this will be work with you.


for me, all i did is :

pod install

then use new version on disk