I set up a MongoDB instance on Google cloud using the click-to-deploy feature. I have been trying to connect to the server from another Ubuntu GCP instance using the command line. However, I can't seem to.
I have added a firewall rule to allow my MongoDB instance to listen on port 27017. I used the instruction
gcloud compute firewall-rules create default-allow-mongo \ --allow tcp:27017 \ --source-ranges \ --target-tags mongodb \ --description "Allow mongodb access to all IPs"
As instructed in Google Cloud Mongo DB external ip not connecting I checked using
netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep tcp
I got the result
tcp 0 0* LISTEN
I also changed the mongod.conf file on the MongoDB instance. I have added the internal IP of my GCP instance to the bindIP.
This is the code I was using to connect to the MongoDB client:
client = MongoClient('mongodb://username:[email protected]:27017')
# X.X.X.X = external IP of mongoDB instance
mydb = client['test2']
posts = mydb.posts
data = {}
data['id'] = 1
I keep getting this error:
pymongo.errors.ServerSelectionTimeoutError: X.X.X.X:27017: timed out
I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me out.