
I'm new in Neo4j and I have a weird requirement.

I have some node

CREATE (a:node {title:1})
CREATE (b:node {title:2})
CREATE (c:node {title:3})
CREATE (d:node {title:4})

and multiple relationships between them:

CREATE (a)-[:RELATES{jump:[1]}]->(b)
CREATE (b)-[:RELATES{jump:[1]}]->(c)
CREATE (c)-[:RELATES{jump:[1]}]->(d)
CREATE (a)-[:RELATES{jump:[2]}]->(c)
CREATE (c)-[:RELATES{jump:[2]}]->(d)
CREATE (d)-[:RELATES{jump:[1]}]->(b)
CREATE (a)-[:RELATES{jump:[3]}]->(d)
CREATE (d)-[:RELATES{jump:[3]}]->(c)
CREATE (c)-[:RELATES{jump:[3]}]->(b)

The graph and the relationship are shown here: enter image description here

I want to check the graph such that only those relationships should be visible which I'm interested in. Now when I do something like this: MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) WHERE 1 IN r.jump RETURN a,b

I get the something like:

enter image description here

Is there a way where I can hide(not delete) the not relevant relationships while displaying the graph? May be something like this(edited on Image tool):

enter image description here

PS: Let Grey be white.


2 Answers


In neo4j 3.2.1 this feature has been relocated to the bottom left corner, under the gear icon: "Connect result nodes" (checked by default, thus returning all relationships between nodes included in the result).

uncheck the box


By default the Neo4j Browser uses an "Auto-Complete" feature to show all relationships that exist between nodes in the visualization. You can change this by toggling the "Auto-Complete" button in the Neo4j browser:

enter image description here

This will exclude any relationships not explicitly returned in the Cypher query from the visualization.

Note that you will need to explicitly return the relationships you are interested in. So your query becomes:

MATCH (a)-[r]->(b) 
WHERE 1 IN r.jump 
RETURN a,r,b