I am trying to use a parameterized query to avoid SQL injection for pyodbc ; based on the documentation specified in the below link: https://code.google.com/archive/p/pyodbc/wikis/GettingStarted.wiki#Parameters
Below is the dataframe:
In [57]: df
0 13273870 ANO080012 API352676
1 13274676 AUK359401 AED002782
2 13274871 ACL000105 ACB020203
3 13275398 AED420319 ASE094882
4 13278566 ARA030210 AII071196
5 13278955 AYM003098 AHX012817
6 13280334 AJ5020114 AED000438
7 13280512 A11171047 AEL051943
8 13281278 AOG010045 ADJ031448
9 13282118 AMX334165 APM033226
10 13283955 APL170095 AE4082002
Out[59]: [u'TXN_KEY', u'SEND_AGENT', u'PAY_AGENT']
Below is my cursor command to create the table in the sql server database:
cursor.execute("""Create table result (? bigint PRIMARY KEY , ? varchar(9), ? varchar(9))""",x[0],x[1],x[2])
ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Incorrect syntax near '@P1'. (102) (SQLExecDirectW)")
Out[63]: u'TXN_KEY'...
And so on. Similarly , I need to write a cursor with parameterized query for alter table add column too. I know how to do that for insert , update and select. I thought this would be on similar lines but it is clearly not.