I'm using CR12 pulling from a database and trying to create a summary that will total values in a cross tab. Here is my scenario:
- Report detail shows equipment used
- Detail is grouped by Room and then Date/Time of session
- Summary section totals up all equipment with discounts, tax, etc.,(via formulas) ending in Grand Total
- Grand total is then divided by a distinct count of billing codes to calculate avg. $ amount per billing code that is due per room/date-time
This was placed in a cross tab to show Billing Code and $ Amount Due per billing code. Now I need either another cross tab or summary at the bottom of the report to show the total amount due per billing code.
Room/Date----Billing Code----Amount Per Code
101 3/2/16------ABC123----------------$50.00
101 3/2/16------DEF456----------------$50.00
102 3/2/16------ABC123----------------$25.00
ABC123: $75.00
DEF456: $50.00
Here is a screenshot example of what I have so far:
Any insight provided is greatly appreciated.