
I have a domain {x} hosted by Lws and a web app hosted by Microsoft Azure. I managed to import the domain {x} in Microsoft Azure by adding the required DNS records A and CNAME in Lws, and I also imported an SSL certificate successfully.

So my domain {x} is correctly configured and can be accessed with the url https://{x}. But if I type www.{x} in my web browser, I'm getting an error from Microsoft Azure: "Error 404 - Web app not found.".

I tried to add the domain 'www.{x}' in addition to the domain '{x}' in the Azure portal but it didn't fix the problem.

Do you have any ideas on how to fix this error with the url www.{x}?

Just curious - Have you done the CNAME mapping of www to yourwebapp.azurewebsites.net? Please see this link for more details: azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/….Gaurav Mantri
So you have a CNAME for www at Lws?CSharpRocks
Yes I followed the instructions from Azure documentation. Thank you for your comments.JulienVan

1 Answers


Finally, I just had to wait to fix my problem, adding the domain 'www.{x}' in addition to the domain '{x}' in the Azure portal was the solution, but it was only effective after several hours (or maybe it was due to the cache of my browser).