
I am using Meteor with practicalmeteor:mocha to run my unit and integration tests. Testing works as expected in normal test mode with both server and client-side test reporting to the browser as expected. My issue is that when I invoke meteor test with the --full-app parameter none of the full app test suites are loaded. I have tried naming them with all variations of <filename>.app-[test|spec]s?.js to no avail. The test files all live within the /imports directory.

Regardless of what I do the report always shows zero tests run on client and server. Adding console.log in the test file also yields nothing so it's pretty clear the file is not being loaded. I created a test file within the /server directory and it reported the test as run so it's definitely an issue with Meteor loading the specially named files as it's supposed to. Any ideas? I am stumped.

Looks like this bug.MasterAM
Thanks @MasterAM, that is the exact issue.Curtis Maddalozzo
Posted as an answer so it could be marked as solved.MasterAM

2 Answers


This is a known issue introduced in v1.3.2.

Either downgrade to v1.3.1 or use v1.3.3 (currently beta, will be released soon) or higher.


Have you, per chance, put the files inside a folder called 'tests'. If so, they won't be run:

The Meteor build tool and the meteor test command ignore any files located in any tests/ directory. This allows you to put tests in this directory that you can run using a test runner outside of Meteor’s built-in test tools and still not have those files loaded in your application. See Meteor’s default file load order rules.