
I installed the "Contact Form 7" plugin in WordPress and created a form.

When i click on the submit button, the following error appears:

There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.

I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not a programming question and more suited for WordPress Development.Gerald Schneider

6 Answers


Yeah! Got the solution.

Have to provide mail id which is belongings to domain, in Mail tab..


I got this message too, when trying to submit test data through my form. When I changed the value entered in the form's Email field from [email protected] to a real email address, then the form started working again.


Please enable in the sendemail on ubuntu

$ sudo apt-get install sendmail
$ sudo sendmailconfig
$ sudo service apache2 restart

What is your message type? the error message There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later. may appear in Red border or Orange Border and each type of error has different fixes

(for more detail step by step you can refer this tutorial: https://wooexplorer.com/how-to-fix-contact-form-7-there-was-an-error-trying-to-send-your-message-please-try-again-later)

Solution for Red border error message enter image description here

=> Install and enable php mail() function

sudo apt-get install sendmail
service apache2 restart

If you are using shared hosting then you ask your hosting provider to enable this function for you In case they don't allow php mail() function, try to use SMTP to send mail (recommended) You can use this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smtp/

Solution for Orange border error message enter image description here With my experience dealing with There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later, error message in orange border, this error happens when the reCAPTCHA module is not working properly on your site To get new reCAPTCHA key, go to: https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin/create and apply this to Contactform7 in Contact => Integration


I've the solution. Install Flamingo plugin then send a message then go to flamingo - inbound messages and check the spam log. In my case it was because I'm using some disallowed words in my form. To see your disallowed words go to settings - discussion - disallowed comments


A simple Trick to solve this error is-: in the To field, you have to put info<[email protected]> make sure to try to put Gmail id this works for me. Thank You