
Wireshark could decrypt https and display clear text(http) to user, but Wireshark do not support save clear text into pcap file, the content in pcap file is still encrypted even I can see the decrypt info before saving. I'd like to know if there is a way to capture https traffic and save it into pcap file with http format? Is it possible that setup a web proxy which can accepts SSL connections and forwards them over non-SSL, then use Wireshark to capture pcap at non-SSL side? Thanks in advance.

Wireshark can decrypt SSL, if it has access to the master secret. See this answer on the information security part of the website for how to configure wireshark. I would advise to save both the SSL packets and the master secret, going through a decrypting proxy means tinkering with your capture. (although, definitely, it is possible to setup such a proxy)grochmal
Thanks grochmal. The solution of saving master secret is not suitable for my scenario. Could you please explain more about how to use proxy to do this? I tried with some proxy tools, like MITMProxy and Fiddler, I don't know how to forward decrypt traffic.Lester

1 Answers


You can use PolarProxy to intercept TLS traffic and save the decrypted data to a PCAP file.