Having an issue with akka.net. I need to access an actor which I have already created with a specific name. I can retrieve the actor from IActorContext but I am struggling to access it from the ActorSystem.
I have created a method called GetOrCreateActor which attempts to get the actor using ActorSelection. If it doesn't exist, the catch creates a new actor with the name. If it does exist, I want it to return the reference. However, it never returns from '.Result'. Assuming this could be some sort of deadlocking issue.
public static IActorRef GetOrCreateActor<T>(this ActorSystem actorSystem, string actorPath, string name = null) where T : ActorBase
return actorSystem.ActorSelection(actorPath).ResolveOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)).Result;
return actorSystem.ActorOf(actorSystem.DI().Props<T>(), name);
Edit I've tried to include a simplified version of the calling code below.
The actor system is created in an IOC container using AutoFac (ExampleActor is the ReceiveActor I am trying to access):
containerBuilder.RegisterAssemblyTypes(typeof(ExampleActor).Assembly).Where(x => x.Name.EndsWith("Actor"));
var lazyContainer = new Lazy<IContainer>(() => containerBuilder.Build());
containerBuilder.Register(c =>
var system = ActorSystem.Create("ExampleActorSystem");
new AutoFacDependencyResolver(lazyContainer.Value, system);
return system;
return lazyContainer.Value;
ActorSystem is then injected into another class, where I call the GetOrCreateActor method (via the Execute method):
public class ExampleCommand : IExampleCommand
private readonly ActorSystem _actorSystem;
public ExampleCommand(ActorSystem actorSystem)
_actorSystem = actorSystem;
public void Execute()
private void SendMessage()
string message = new Message();
_actorSystem.GetOrCreateActor<ExampleActor>("akka://ExampleActorSystem/user/ExampleActor", "ExampleActor").Tell(message);
The above command would be called from a RESTful endpoint
public ExampleGetModule(IExampleCommand exampleCommand)
Get["/api/createExample"] = parameters =>
method callingGetOrCreateActor
? – easuter