I'm trying to come up with a System.Windows.Interactivity.Behaviour that, when applied to a WPF DataGrid, adds a context menu (or items to an existing context menu) that allow users to show or hide columns.
I came up with a solution that almost works very well. Everything works just as expected - until you hide and then re-show a column. Once becoming visible again, the contextmenu just seems to disappear, right-clicking on the column doesn't do anything anymore.
Code is below, verbalyl what I'm doing:
- On attaching the behavior, I start listening to the DataGrid "Loaded" event
- In the Loaded event, I find all DataGridColumnHeader descendants of the DataGrid
- For each of these, I generate an individual context menu and attach it to the DataGridColumnHeader
- For each context menu, I generate one menu item per column, and assign a command to it that, upon execution, sets the DataGridColumn's visibility to Visible or Hidden
I've stripped down the code to a minimum example for the simplest case: To test this, simply apply that behavior to a DataGrid that doesn't have a ContextMenu assigned currently.
public class DgColumnBehavior : Behavior<DataGrid>
protected ICommand ToggleColumnVisibilityCmd;
protected DataGrid _AssociatedObject;
protected override void OnAttached()
this.ToggleColumnVisibilityCmd = new DelegateCommand<DataGridColumn>(ToggleColumnVisibilityCmdExecute);
this._AssociatedObject = (DataGrid)this.AssociatedObject;
Observable.FromEventPattern(this._AssociatedObject, "Loaded")
.Subscribe(x => _AssociatedObject_Loaded());
void _AssociatedObject_Loaded()
var columnHeaders = this._AssociatedObject.SafeFindDescendants<DataGridColumnHeader>(); // see second code piece for the SafeFindDescendants extension method
foreach (var columnHeader in columnHeaders)
if (columnHeader.ContextMenu.ItemsSource != null)
// ContextMenu has an ItemsSource, so need to add items to that -
// ommitted though as irrelevant for example
// No ItemsSource assigned to the Menu, so we can just add directly
foreach (var item in CreateMenuItemsFor(columnHeader))
/// Ensures that the columnHeader ...
/// A) has a ContextMenu, and
/// B) that is has an individual context menu, i.e. one that isn't shared with any other DataGridColumnHeaders.
/// I'm doing that as in practice, I'm adding some further items that are specific to each column, so I can't have a shared context menu
private void EnsureSeparateContextMenuFor(DataGridColumnHeader columnHeader)
if (columnHeader.ContextMenu == null)
columnHeader.ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
// clone the existing menu
// ommitted as irrelevant for example
/// Creates one menu item for each column of the underlying DataGrid to toggle that column's visibility
private IEnumerable<FrameworkElement> CreateMenuItemsFor(DataGridColumnHeader columnHeader)
foreach (var column in _AssociatedObject.Columns)
var item = new MenuItem();
item.Header = String.Format("Toggle visibility for {0}", column.Header);
item.Command = ToggleColumnVisibilityCmd;
item.CommandParameter = column;
yield return item;
// Gets executed when the user clicks on one of the ContextMenu items
protected void ToggleColumnVisibilityCmdExecute(DataGridColumn column)
bool isVisible = (column.Visibility == Visibility.Visible);
Visibility newVisibility = (isVisible) ? Visibility.Hidden : Visibility.Visible;
column.Visibility = newVisibility;
The SafeFindDescendants extension method is heavily based on the one from here: DataGridColumnHeader ContextMenu programmatically
public static class Visual_ExtensionMethods
public static IEnumerable<T> SafeFindDescendants<T>(this Visual @this, Predicate<T> predicate = null) where T : Visual
if (@this != null)
int childrenCount = VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(@this);
for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++)
var currentChild = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(@this, i);
var typedChild = currentChild as T;
if (typedChild == null)
var result = ((Visual)currentChild).SafeFindDescendants<T>(predicate);
foreach (var r in result)
yield return r;
if (predicate == null || predicate(typedChild))
yield return typedChild;
I can't figure out what's going on. Why does the context menu seem to be removed after hiding/re-showing a column?!
Appreciate any ideas! Thanks.