I'm a Lucene newbie and am thinking of using it to index the words in the title and description elements of RSS feeds so that I can record counts of the most popular words in the feeds.
Various search options are needed, some will have keywords entered manually by users, whereas in other cases popular terms would be generated automatically by the system. So I could have Lucene use query strings to return the counts of hits for manually entered keywords and TermEnums in automated cases?
The system also needs to be able to handle new data from the feeds as they are polled at regular intervals.
Now, I could do much / all of this using hashmaps in Java to work out counts, but if I use Lucene, my question concerns the best way to store the words for counting. To take a single RSS feed, is it wise to have Lucene create a temporary index in memory, and pass the words and hit counts out so other programs can write them to database?
Or is it better to create a Lucene document per feed and add new feed data to it at polling time? So that if a keyword count is required between dates x and y, Lucene can return the values? This implies I can datestamp Lucene entries which I'm not sure of yet.
Hope this makes sense.
Mr Morgan.