
I'm using redis as the queue driver for Laravel 5.2. My problem is when a job fails, I get an exception in laravel.log which says PDO couldn't find the failed_jobs table.

I know I can use artisan to create the migration for creating failed jobs table, but do I need to do this when I'm running the queue on redis?


1 Answers


NO, you don't have to. Failed jobs are handled by DatabaseFailedJobProvider, which implements FailedJobProviderInterface. You can implement this interface yourself with the backend of your choice. You also need to extend QueueServiceProvider and replace the registerFailedJobServices() method with your implementation of FailedJobProviderInterface:

 * Register the failed job services.
 * @return void
protected function registerFailedJobServices()
    $this->app->singleton('queue.failer', function ($app) {
        // Your implementation here.