I am trying to create a local module. Here regarding this there are lot of question. I have almost all of them followed. But it is never working.
Atlast I followed this: http://devdocs.magento.com/guides/m1x/magefordev/mage-for-dev-6.html
But this is als not working. Here is my structure:
class Mycompany_Hello_Model_Resource_Setup extends Mage_Core_Model_Resource_Setup {
in app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/mycompany_hello_setup/install-0.1.0.php
echo 'Running This test: '.get_class($this)."\n <br /> \n";
die("Exit for now");
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Here the only issue I am facing is it never executes install script. My approches till now:
Renamed app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/mycompany_hello_setup/install-0.1.0.php to following names on each attempt app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/hello_setup/install-0.1.0.php, app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/hello_setup/mysql4-install-0.1.0.php, app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/mycompany_hello_setup/install-0.1.0.php, app/code/local/Mycompany/Hello/sql/Mycompany_hello_setup/mysql4-install-0.1.0.php
During every attempt I flush cache and delete the entry from core_resources table.
All my file permisson is 777 (for debugging purpose, later I will change it to 755). Actaully I placed a debugging code in install. Once it executed, I will replace this with my actual installer script.
But it seems something, I am missing something, as a result it is not working.
Please help. Thank you in advance.