I'm having a look at fiddling the registers in assembly programming for the AVR family, on an Arduino UNO board, with its standard bootloader (avra+avrdude).
I'm having trouble with the Timer0. I've reduced the problem to a short program wich is supposed to
- put a red LED on (on B5 = pin 13)
- configure the timer0 for normal mode, prescale 1024
- set the counter to 0
- enter a loop, and escapes when counter is over 200
- and then puts a green Led on (on B4).
Symptom: green led never turns on. With some other values than 200, turns on after a random duration (seconds).
Here is the code :
.include "./m328Pdef.inc"
.EQU ROUGE = 0b0100000 ; red
.EQU VERT = 0b0010000 ; green
ldi r16,ROUGE+VERT ; pins activated
out DDRB,r16
ldi r16,ROUGE ; red on
out portB,r16
;; configure timer
lds r16,TCCR0B
andi r16,0b11111000
ori r16,0b00000101 ; prescale 1024
sts TCCR0B,r16
ldi r16,0 ; count is 0
sts TCNT0,r16
lds r16,TCNT0
cpi r16,100
brlo loop
ldi r16,VERT ; green on
out PortB,r16
rjmp z
The same programs seems to work correctly with the Timer1 and its associated registers.
What's wrong? Some interference with the bootloader?
EDIT the hex file :
Compiled by : avra bug0.asm
Upload :
avrdude -q -V -D -p atmega328p -C /etc/avrdude.conf \
-c arduino -b 115200 -P /dev/ttyACM0 \
-U flash:w:bug0.hex:i