
I have a Nexus OSS server configured as my Repository. I'm trying to configure the settings.xml to this server and central:


      <!--This sends everything else to /public -->


In my Nexus Repo (http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/) i just have the following files (i uploaded the mylib.jar in thirdparty repo):

archetype-catalog.xml   Fri May 27 12:17:45 BRT 2016    25  

But when i tried to mvn:install the maven don't find my JAR in Thrid Part repository, i got the error:

The POM for br.com:mylib:jar:2.0 is missing, no dependency information available
Does this help? stackoverflow.com/questions/36757902/… it explains the mirror configuration (and will show that you have a weird config here, mainly mirroring central to point at it again).Tunaki
Cool, i read everything but i have a doubt. The maven give preferences to <repository> instead of <mirror> ? So, i can have <repository> without <mirror> but i can't have <mirror> without <repository> right ?Ronaldo Lanhellas
Yes, you can mirror central which is Maven Central and present by default without configuring it with a repository.Tunaki
As i said i have a Nexus server (showed in settings.xml as <mirrorOf>*) , i need a repository ? I'm asking this because i can't find my jar, the maven throws a exceptionRonaldo Lanhellas
Well, I'd try to remove your <repositories> declaration since you don't need them, then your <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf> also, you don't need it and it's confusing. Then you need to make sure that http://localhost:8081/nexus/content/groups/public/br/com/mylib/2.0/mylib-2.0.jar exists.Tunaki

1 Answers


Your mirror settings will work. I almost said they were "fine" but that's an overstatement. They should work for the situation you have presented.

You succesfully loaded br.com:mylib:2.0 into the thirdparty repo (are you sure? It should probably be com.br, but what do I know...)
You can find it in the thirdparty repo within the nexus browser
You should be able to resolve it without specifying any additional repositories.

Sounds like your config of Nexus doesn't have your third-party library in the groups/public group, which is what you're using as your mirror source for central.

Make sure that public includes thirdparty

I use Nexus 3 which, by default, doesn't include any such repository.