I am building a program in objective C/C++ and openCV. I am pretty skilled in Objective C but new to C++.
I am building custom RGB2HSV algorithm. My algorithm is slightly different from the openCV library cvtColor(in, out, CV_RGB2HSV).
The one I try to translate form Matlab to opencV/C++ produces so clear HSV image that no additional filtering is needed before further processing. Code below – Matlab code is self-explanatory.
I try to translate it to C++/openCV function out of it but I hit the wall trying to access pixel values of the image. I am new to C++. I read a lot on the ways how to access Mat structure but usually I obtain either bunch of letters in a place of zeros or a number typically something like this “\202 k g”. When I try to do any multiplication operations on the say \202 the result has nothing to do with math.
Please help me to properly access the pixel values. Also in current version using uchar won’t work because some values are outside 0-255 range. The algorithm is not mine. I cannot even point the source but it gives clearly better results than stock RGB2HSV.
Also the algorithm below is for one pixel. It needs to be applied each pixel in the image so in final version it need to wrapped with for { for {}} loops.
I also wish to share this method with community so everyone can benefit from it and saving on pre-filtering.
Please help me translate it to C++ / openCV. If possible with the best practices speed wise. Or at least how to clearly access the pixel value so it is workable with range of mathematical equations. Thanks in advance.
function[H, S, V] = rgb2hsvPixel(R,G,B)
% Algorithm:
% In case of 8-bit and 16-bit images, `R`, `G`, and `B` are converted to the
% floating-point format and scaled to fit the 0 to 1 range.
% V = max(R,G,B)
% S = / (V - min(R,G,B)) / V if V != 0
% \ 0 otherwise
% / 60*(G-B) / (V - min(R,G,B)) if V=R
% H = | 120 + 60*(B-R) / (V - min(R,G,B)) if V=G
% \ 240 + 60*(R-G) / (V - min(R,G,B)) if V=B
% If `H<0` then `H=H+360`. On output `0<=V<=1`, `0<=S<=1`, `0<=H<=360`.
red = (double(R)-16)*255/224; % \
green = (double(G)-16)*255/224; % }- R,G,B (0 <-> 255) -> (-18.2143 <-> 272.0759)
blue = (min(double(B)*2,240)-16)*255/224; % /
minV = min(red,min(green,blue));
value = max(red,max(green,blue));
delta = value - minV;
sat = (delta*255) / value;% s
if (delta ~= 0)
if( red == value )
hue = 60*( green - blue ) / delta; % between yellow & magenta
elseif( green == value )
hue = 120 + 60*( blue - red ) / delta; % between cyan & yellow
hue = 240 + 60*( red - green ) / delta; % between magenta & cyan
if( hue < 0 )
hue = hue + 360;
hue = 0;
sat = 0;
% r = g = b = 0
sat = 0;
hue = 0;
H = max(min(floor(((hue*255)/360)),255),0);
S = max(min(floor(sat),255),0);
V = max(min(floor(value),255),0);