I have 3 tables (Main, ED, and OP) the relations are Main to ED is 1 to Many Main to OP is 1 to Many
for that I created 3 Forms (frmM, frmE, and frmO)
the frmM has 2 Sub-Forms frmE and frmO (both frmE and frmO are inside frmM data list)
What I want is : once the value of a text-box txtE1 in frmE changes, the text-box txtO1 in frmO will be disabled
I used this code inside frmE
FrmO.txtO1.Enabled = False
although this does not give any error and when debug I can see the value of the text-box changes in the Watch window, yet nothing actually happens to the textbox in the form
I have look at many questions in StackOverFlow and googled for more than 3 days
Requery subform from another subform, problems
I tried
Forms("frmM")("frmO").Controls("txtO1").Enabled = False
Me.Parent!txtO1.Enabled = False
Forms.frmM.frmO.Form.txtO1.Enabled = False
all of them not working.
anyone can help me here?