
I am trying to implement Continuous Integration using Azure App Service and VSTS.

When I drill down into "Deployment Source" and then select "Visual Studio Team Services" and then "Choose a Project", it doesn't display any projects. The project panel says "no results". I'm currently signed into both Azure portal and VSTS using the same account.

I also could not see anything related to Azure in my Security and Policy --> "Apps and Services" section of my account in https://account.live.com.

Thanks in Advance. Prawin

What's the version control system of your VSTS project? Git or TFVC? And are you using the new azure portal?Eddie Chen - MSFT
@Prawin did you resolve this? I'm having the exact same issue! Cheersnmit026

2 Answers


It's probably because your Team Services and Azure accounts aren't linked (was for me anyway).

Bound to change in future, but here's how to link them now:

From the Azure portal home page, click "Browse", then "Team Services Accounts (preview)", then link them together.



If you are using the new azure portal and select "Deployment Source", only the projects with "Git" repository will be listed. Refer to this question for details: Azure Functions deployment source Visual Studio Team Service project