We are in the process of transitioning our code to the SAS Grid where we use Enterprise Guide 6.1 to run SAS 9.4. One piece of code is giving different results than what we get when running SAS 9.3 on PC. I've created an example dataset and code which returns varying results. The results of running on the Grid (13 rows with duplicates) are the expected behavior when including a column in the select statement, but not aggregating it or using it in the group by. The results of running it using SAS 9.3 (6 distinct rows) are what we want, but not typical SAS behavior. I have since modified the code (added denom to the group by) to get the desired results on the Grid, but wonder why the code returns different results when run in different environments. Any ideas?
ETA: the Grid uses SAS 9.4 and the modified code uses denom in the group by. Also, I was unable to find documentation of changes to Proc SQL from V 9.3 to V 9.4.
proc sql;
create table work.test
(state char(2)
,county char(20)
,city char(20)
,id char(6));
proc sql;
insert into work.test (state, county, city, id)
values ('OH', 'Hamilton', 'Cincinnati', 'abc')
values ('OH', 'Hamilton', 'Cincinnati', 'def')
values ('OH', 'Hamilton', 'Cincinnati', 'ghi')
values ('OH', 'Hamilton', 'Mariemont', 'jkl')
values ('OH', 'Hamilton', 'Mariemont', 'mno')
values ('OH', 'Franklin', 'Columbus', 'pqr')
values ('OH', 'Franklin', 'Columbus', 'stu')
values ('TX', 'San Patricio', 'Ingleside', 'abc')
values ('TX', 'San Patricio', 'Taft', 'abc')
values ('TX', 'Nueces', 'Corpus Christi', 'abc')
values ('TX', 'Nueces', 'Corpus Christi', 'xyz')
values ('TX', 'Nueces', 'Corpus Christi', 'tuv')
values ('TX', 'Nueces', 'Corpus Christi', 'def');
proc sql;
create table freqs as
select a.state
, a.county
, a.city
, count(city) as numer
, denom
, round(count(city)/denom*100,.1) as percent
from work.test as a,
(select state, county, count(*) as denom from work.test group by state, county) as b
where a.state=b.state and a.county=b.county
group by a.state, a.county, a.city;