I have referred hackersdelight's CRC32 implementations, I just edited crc32h
function from there and made it get a byte and update the last CRC32 Value. Because I need to calculate the new CRC32 value with the new byte
input. I can get it work by sending an array to it, by I can not save my whole to to the array before calling the CRC32 function. So I want to update the last CRC32 Value which is calculated for previous byte. Here is the implementation of hackersdelight:
unsigned int crc32h(unsigned char *message) {
int i, crc;
unsigned int byte, c;
const unsigned int g0 = 0xEDB88320, g1 = g0>>1,
g2 = g0>>2, g3 = g0>>3, g4 = g0>>4, g5 = g0>>5,
g6 = (g0>>6)^g0, g7 = ((g0>>6)^g0)>>1;
i = 0;
crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
while ((byte = message[i]) != 0) { // Get next byte.
crc = crc ^ byte;
c = ((crc<<31>>31) & g7) ^ ((crc<<30>>31) & g6) ^
((crc<<29>>31) & g5) ^ ((crc<<28>>31) & g4) ^
((crc<<27>>31) & g3) ^ ((crc<<26>>31) & g2) ^
((crc<<25>>31) & g1) ^ ((crc<<24>>31) & g0);
crc = ((unsigned)crc >> 8) ^ c;
i = i + 1;
return ~crc;
Below is the function edited by me.
unsigned int crc32h(uint8_t byte,int crc) {
unsigned int c;
const unsigned int g0 = 0xEDB88320, g1 = g0>>1,
g2 = g0>>2, g3 = g0>>3, g4 = g0>>4, g5 = g0>>5,
g6 = (g0>>6)^g0, g7 = ((g0>>6)^g0)>>1;
crc = crc ^ byte;
c = ((crc<<31>>31) & g7) ^ ((crc<<30>>31) & g6) ^
((crc<<29>>31) & g5) ^ ((crc<<28>>31) & g4) ^
((crc<<27>>31) & g3) ^ ((crc<<26>>31) & g2) ^
((crc<<25>>31) & g1) ^ ((crc<<24>>31) & g0);
crc = ((unsigned)crc >> 8) ^ c;
crc = ~crc;
return crc;
This code calculates the CRC32 Value successfully if I send a byte and the default CRC value (0xFFFFFFFF)
. But I can not Update the CRC, for example:
int crc = 0xFFFFFFFF;
crc = crc32h(0x11,crc); //This gives me the correct CRC32 for `0x11`
crc = crc32h(0x22,crc); //But this does not give me the correct CRC32 for `0x1122`
Why it does not update the new CRC Value regarding to previous CRC Value?
crc = crc32h(0x22, ~crc)
, it'll do what you want. – Jim Mischel0
instead of0xFFFFFFFF
. – abdullah cinar