
I am trying to display network image using qml and then save this image using c++ code,

Here is the qml code,

import QtQuick 2.3
import QtQuick.Window 2.2
import com.login 1.0
Window {
    visible: true
    width : 500
    height: 500

     Login{id: login}

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: {
          //  Qt.quit();

    Image {
        id: image
        source: "http://www.test.com/webp/gallery/4.jpg"


And inside my login class saving image like,

void Login::save( QQuickItem *item)
    qDebug()<<"width: "<<item->width();
    qDebug()<<"height: "<<item->height();

    QQuickWindow *window = item->window();
    QImage image = window->grabWindow();

    QPixmap pix = QPixmap::fromImage(image);

I am getting the correct width and height of the image inside c++ class, but the problem is I cannot find a way to save the image item from QQuickItem.

Right now I am saving the image by grabing the window, which actually not giving the actual image size on output file, instead giving output file with current qml window size.

Basically I am following the code here saving QML image but it seems QDeclarativeItem is deprecated in Qt5, so I choose QQuickItem where as there is no paint option in QQuickItem.


2 Answers


Fortunately QQuickItem has a convenient grabToImage function which does that.

void Login::save( QQuickItem *item)
    QSharedPointer<const QQuickItemGrabResult> grabResult = item->grabToImage();

    connect(grabResult.data(), &QQuickItemGrabResult::ready, [=]() {
        //grabResult->image() gives the QImage associated if you want to use it directly in the program

Alternate solution without using lambdas:

void Login::save( QQuickItem *item)
    QSharedPointer<const QQuickItemGrabResult> grabResult = item->grabToImage();
    /* Need to store grabResult somewhere persistent to avoid the SharedPointer mechanism from deleting it */

    connect(grabResult.data(), SIGNAL(ready()), this, SLOT(onAsynchroneousImageLoaded()));

void Login::onAsynchroneousImageLoaded() {
    auto grabResult = qobject_cast<const QQuickItemGrabResult*>(sender());
    if (grabResult) {
    } else {
        //something went wrong

In a QObject-derived class (ImageSaver) register it as you would. It needs one member:

bool ImageSaver::saveImage(const QUrl &imageProviderUrl, const QString &filename){
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO <<imageProviderUrl << filename;
    QQmlEngine *engine = QQmlEngine::contextForObject(this)->engine();
    QQmlImageProviderBase *imageProviderBase = engine->imageProvider(imageProviderUrl.host());
    QQuickImageProvider *imageProvider = static_cast<QQuickImageProvider*>(imageProviderBase);
    QSize imageActualSize;
    QSize imageRequestedSize;
QString imageId = imageProviderUrl.path().remove(0,1);

    QImage image = imageProvider->requestImage(imageId, &imageActualSize, imageRequestedSize);
    qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << imageId << imageActualSize;
    return image.save(filename);

then in QML:

ImageSaver { id: imageSaver} 
imageSaver.saveImage(image.source, "my.png");

Whereas grabToImage will grab the item using the items's size, this can preserve the actual size of the image.