I've started reading on zend framework and it's use with Doctrine and have implemented a small project to grasp the understanding.I've come to a point where i needed my model generated as in having a generate script like the one suggested in Doctrine 1.2.2 pdf manual.After few unsuccessful attempts like
Class 'sfYaml' not found in G:\php_document\zendworkspace\BookingManager\library\doctrine\Doctrine\Parser\Yml.php on line 80
i've googled and found out what people are doing about that.
To me it sounds too much the fact of having a command line script to do that work.So my question is do i really need the command line or i fail to load something is my application.ini file to get the error up there?
my testerController is like this:
class Testing_TesterController extends Zend_Controller_Action {
public function init(){
$optionDoctrine = Zend_Registry::get("config")->toArray();
$this->config = $optionDoctrine["doctrine"];
public function generateAction() {
$this->view->drop="dropping database............";
$this->view->create = "creating database........";
$this->view->models = "generating models....";
//things started breadking from this line Doctrine_Core::generateModelsFromYaml("$this->config[yaml_schema_path]","$this->config[models_path]");
// $this->view->tables = "creating tables.......";
// Doctrine_Core::createTablesFromModels($this->config["models_path"]);
// $this->view->success = "tables and model successfully generated";
// $optionobject= Zend_Registry::get("config")->toArray();
// $this->view->generate =$optionobject["doctrine"]["yaml_schema_path"];
public function testAction(){
$dbs= Doctrine_Manager::connection()->import->listDatabases();
$this->view->test = $dbs;
//$this->view->test = "test";
the generate view is like this
<h1>My Manager:: generate page</h1><br>
<div style="text-align: left"><?php echo $this->drop; ?></div>
<div style="text-align: left"><?php echo $this->create; ?></div>
<div style="text-align: left"><?php var_dump($this->models); ?></div>
<div style="text-align: left"><?php echo $this->tables; ?></div>
here is my bootstrap class
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initDoctrine(){
require_once 'doctrine/Doctrine.php';
$manager = Doctrine_Manager::getInstance();
$doctrineConfig = $this->getOption('doctrine');
$conn = Doctrine_Manager::connection($doctrineConfig['dsn'],'doctrine');
return $conn;
protected function _initDoctrineConfig(){
$conf = new Zend_Config($this->getOptions(),true);
return $conf;
I've also adopted the use of modules which seems to complicate my situation so what do you think is the best to go with? thanks for reading