
I am using Orion Context Broker version 1.1.0

I had the only entity in my DB:

  "temperature"=>{"type"=>"none", "value"=>10, "metadata"=>{}}

I did not have any subscription.

Then I created 3 subscriptions:

  "subject"=>{"entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}],
  "condition"=>{"attrs"=>["temperature"], "expression"=>{"q"=>"temperature>10"}}}
  "subject"=>{"entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}],
  "condition"=>{"attrs"=>["temperature"], "expression"=>{"q"=>"temperature<10"}}}
  "subject"=>{"entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}],
  "condition"=>{"attrs"=>["temperature"], "expression"=>{"q"=>"temperature==10"}}}

As you can see, the difference is only in the expressions: temperature>10, temperature<10, temperature==10.

So that any time I change the Room1 temperature I should have only one subscription triggering the notification.

But it does not work as it should !!!

Each time I change the temperature, I have all 3 notifications.

However, when subscriptions were created, only one of them triggered a notification, depending on the temperature value of the Room1. It worked as expected.

But when Room1 temperature is changed, it does not work correctly and triggers all 3 notifications.

Edit: Full output of the GET /v2/subscriptions operation:

      "entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}],    
    "notification"=>{"attrs"=>["temperature"], "http"=>{"url"=>"http://localhost:1028/accumulate"}},
      "entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}],  
    "notification"=>{"attrs"=>["temperature"], "http"=>{"url"=>"http://localhost:1028/accumulate"}},
      "entities"=>[{"id"=>"Room1", "idPattern"=>"", "type"=>""}], 
    "notification"=>{"timesSent"=>2, "lastNotification"=>"2016-05-26T15:30:42.00Z", "attrs"=>["temperature"], "http"=>{"url"=>"http://localhost:1028/accumulate"}},

Edit2: Add some scenario:

  1. Changed Room1 temperature to 11
  2. Had the same output, but [...{"timesSent"=>1}..., ...{"timesSent"=>1}..., ...{"timesSent"=>3}...]
  3. Changed Room1 temperature to 10
  4. Had the same output, but [...{"timesSent"=>2}..., ...{"timesSent"=>2}..., ...{"timesSent"=>4}...]
  5. Changed Room1 temperature to 9
  6. Had the same output, but [...{"timesSent"=>3}..., ...{"timesSent"=>3}..., ...{"timesSent"=>5}...]
Could you edit your answer to include the output of the GET /v2/subscriptions operation, please? Thanks!fgalan
Edited the answer, added the output of the GET /v2/subscriptions operation,chumakoff
Looking to the result, note that only the last subscription (574716a22fe8cdc00a696a96) should timesSent and lastNotification, i.e. it seems that only the last one has been triggered...fgalan
Let's have a look to notification payload you are getting... could you edit your question to include the notification payloads you get (triggered by the corresponding updates), please? Thanks!fgalan
I added a scenario and output results. Is that what you want ?chumakoff

1 Answers


This is due to a problem in subscriptions cache management in Orion 1.1. So, the solution in that version is to disable cache using -noCache CLI option.

The bug has been identified and a github issue has been created about it. It will be fixed in a newer Orion version.

EDIT: the bug has been solved in development branch, so it would be ready in Orion 1.2, to be release by early June 2016.