I'm developing a rather simple app, which pulls website content from a CMS [Umbraco]. The form comes back to me as plain html after an Ajax call. The form is then appended to the page, and the result is compiled using the Angular $compile service. The model bindings and the validation on the form work, since the "ng-disabled" directive responds to the user input and correctly controls the submit button's enabled status, and the model values are updated accordingly. However the validation messages are unaffected.
I have tried to implement the solutions in the following:
Form Validation and fields added with $compile
Angularjs: form validation and input directive
How to validate inputs dynamically created using ng-repeat, ng-show (angular)
I also tried to use ngMessages for the form validation. The result was the same.
The (simplified) form in question:
<form id="registration-form"
<label for="registration-name">NAME:</label>
<input id="registration-name"
ng-required="true" />
<span ng-show="registrationForm.$submitted || registrationForm.registrationName.$touched>
<span class="error errorCol" ng-show="registrationForm.registrationName.$error.required">Required</span>
The associated controller (stripped down):
declare var sampleModule: ng.IModule;
module RegistrationModule {
"use strict";
export interface IRegistrationScope extends ng.IScope {
registrationModel: IRegistrationModel;
registrationForm: ng.IFormController;
pageContent: string;
onRegistrationFormSubmit(): void;
export class RegistrationController extends BaseModule.BaseController {
static $inject = ["$scope", "RegistrationService"];
constructor(scope: IRegistrationScope, registrationService: IRegistrationService) {
function initialiseRegistrationModel() {
scope.registrationModel = {
Name: "",
Email: "",
Code: null
function init() {
var registrationContentPromise = super.contentService().getRegistrationPageContent().then(
(r: ng.IHttpPromiseCallbackArg<string>) => {
scope.pageContent = r.data;
return null;
() => {
var appendResult = $("#page-content").append(scope.pageContent);
return null;
sampleModule.controller("RegistrationController", RegistrationModule.RegistrationController);
I have tried to use "$scope.apply()" in various locations throughout the code.
N.B. - Everything works as expected if the form is placed inside the view locally.
So, my question is the following: how can I make the validation messages work, when the form is being loaded from an external source?
Many thanks!
**Edit: Fixed formatting