Is it possible to manipulate a file in a kind of drag event?
As you my know most windows programms (Outlook in this particular case) are using streams to accomplish a drag & drop operation, which certain third party programms won't understand (e.g. Firefox, Chrome). Since I am not able to alter the third party programm behavior, I tried to code an Outlook addin, that copies the file to a temp folder and manipulates (ole & com) the drop information before the drop on third party programm occurs.
I have the the following problem:
The Event on which I am interfering is a extreme workaround: The "DragEnter" COM Event within Outlook, such that a dragged email needs to cross another outlook element to be triggered. It was just for test purposes. The question is where can I globally hook up when an email is dragged and at the same time manipulate the drop information or forcing my own drag & drop (DoDragDrop(..)) ?
HRESULT TDropTarget::DragEnter(IDataObject* pDataObj, DWORD grfKeyState, POINTL pt, DWORD* pdwEffect) {
//get data from pDataObj, create file and new IDataObject* pDataObject which points to file
DWORD dwResult = DoDragDrop(pDataObject, pDropSource, DROPEFFECT_COPY, pdwEffect);
if(dwResult == DRAGDROP_S_DROP) { // success!
} else if (dwResult == DRAGDROP_S_CANCEL) { // cancelled
return S_OK;