
I'm using a TListBox component to display a list with CheckBoxes.

It works very well on iOS, but on Android it generates a small lag when scrolling.

At the first glance, I thought it would be due it's design of each TListBoxItem being a container of Controls. However, when generating a simple List (without CheckBoxes) it remains to lag a little bit.

Is it a problem with the component?

Is there any solution that does not evolve removing any of my ListBoxes?

Quite possible that thinks have changed in the latest version of Delphi.David Heffernan

1 Answers


For the first question

Note: FMX.ListBox.TListBox performance can be slow on mobile. Use TListView if you want to develop more complex applications, especially apps with large databases.

From Embarcadero docwiki

For the second question

There may be. My solution would be to swap TListBox to TListView If you need checkboxes in your listbox you can also do it with TListView. Set AccessosoryType to CheckBoxes.