I have a measure which multiplies a percentage reduction in debt values by the $ value of sales in the previous month to give a $ benefit. This is:
Gross Benefit:= [Change in 0-30 %] * [Ent Prior Month Credit Sales]
For each Fiscal Month (eg. "01 - July"), the Gross benefit can be calculated. The net benefit will be the gross benefit for that month minus the sum of the net benefits for all the previous months (so I'm not double-counting a benefit). This is a confusing concept and aspect of our system, where we need a snapshot view of the YTD. It is intended to output a table like this:
| Jun 15 | Jul 15 | Aug 15 | Sep 15 |
Gross | 0.7 | 0.7 | 0.4 | 0.2 |
Net | 0.7 | 0.0 | (0.3) | (0.1) |
My code to attempt creating this is:
Net Benefit :=[Gross Benefit]
SUMX ( VALUES ( Calendar[FiscalMonth] ), [Gross Benefit] ),
ALL ( Calendar ),
Calendar[FiscalMonth] < MAX ( Calendar[FiscalMonth] )
This just returns blanks. What can I do?