I try to build a web application based on multiple maven modules. One of the modules is called "web" and is solely responsible to package a war which should be deployed to a tomcat using the tomcat7-maven-plugin. I have following modules defined in my parent.pom:
- common
- persistence
- persistence-embedded
- service
- rest
- web
All of them are combined into one web-application-war, the web module has set packaging to war. The problem is, that my war file is deployed for each submodule (and the main-parent-module) over and over again when I run mvn tomcat7:redeploy, which leads to 7 deployments. Apparently, this is not how it should be. The tomcat7-maven-plugin configuration currently looks like this:
<warFile> /home/username/dev/maven-multimodule-example/web/target/maven-multimodule-example-1.0-SNAPSHOT.war</warFile>
As you can see, I need to specify the warFile (which is not a solution but rather a hack, because I can't use ${project.basedir} which would lead to the submodule-dir) to make it work.
However, if I run the web application with mvn tomcat7:run, it looks quite good, because the other non-war-building modules are skipped by the plugin.
How can I configure the plugin the right way to deploy the war file only once?