I have a DAO helper trait that provides common functionality to DAOs. It needs to be able to access the table query, and run actions. I'm having trouble defining or otherwise providing the query type to the helper trait.
Below is some code, also available in a short demo project on GitHub, in the action
First, db
is defined in trait DBComponent
trait DBComponent {
import slick.driver.JdbcProfile
val driver: JdbcProfile
import driver.api._
val db: Database
The classes to be persisted extend HasId
trait HasId {
def id: Option[Int] = None
Here is one such class to be persisted:
case class BankInfo(
owner: String,
branches: Int,
bankId: Int,
override val id: Option[Int] = None
) extends HasId
The problem is that I don't know how to set QueryType
in the following DAO helper trait; I expect that most of the errors that follow are a consequence of the improper type that I used:
/** Handles all actions pertaining to HasId or that do not require parameters */
trait DbAction[T <: HasId] { this: DBComponent =>
import driver.api._ // defines DBIOAction
type QueryType <: slick.lifted.TableQuery[Table[T]] // this type is wrong! What should it be?
def tableQuery: QueryType
// Is this defined correctly?
def run[R](action: DBIOAction[R, NoStream, Nothing]): Future[R] = db.run { action }
def deleteById(id: Option[Long]): Unit =
for { i <- id } run { tableQuery.filter(_.id === id).delete } // id is unknown because QueryType is wrong
def findAll: Future[List[T]] = run { tableQuery.to[List].result } // also b0rked
// Remaining methods shown on GitHub
FYI, here is how the above will be used. First, the trait that defines the table query:
trait BankInfoTable extends BankTable { this: DBComponent =>
import driver.api._
class BankInfoTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[BankInfo](tag, "bankinfo") {
val id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
val owner = column[String]("owner")
val bankId = column[Int]("bank_id")
val branches = column[Int]("branches")
def bankFK = foreignKey("bank_product_fk", bankId, bankTableQuery)(_.id)
def * = (owner, branches, bankId, id.?) <> (BankInfo.tupled, BankInfo.unapply)
val tableQuery = TableQuery[BankInfoTable]
def autoInc = tableQuery returning tableQuery.map(_.id)
It all comes together here:
trait BankInfoRepositoryLike extends BankInfoTable with DbAction[BankInfo]
{ this: DBComponent =>
import driver.api._
@inline def updateAsync(bankInfo: BankInfo): Future[Int] =
run { tableQuery.filter(_.id === bankInfo.id.get).update(bankInfo) }
@inline def getByIdAsync(id: Int): Future[Option[BankInfo]] =
run { tableQuery.filter(_.id === id).result.headOption }