I have a page where I load different charts dynamically which update themselves with new data from an SQL-table. They have maximum and minimum limits and I can make the dots on the line charts change color if they breach their limits (if too high or too low they become red , otherwise they are green)
Sadly, when I try changing the charts animation option, or bezierCurves option it does not respond to it, I looked on the chartjs page's documentation and could only find how to set these options when creating the chart... I need to do this on an interval based function after the charts are made depending on user input... i.e.
I have a collection of radio buttons : Animated - Not animated - bezierCurves - No bezierCurves
See on pic :)
They each set their respectable variable to true / false depending wether they are checked. Then , every time I update the charts , i try to change the options to the value of the variables (if they differ from the old ones)
Let me give you some code to clairify :)
Update function :
// Standard values for all charts
$old_animation = true;
$old_curved = true;
// Start Update funtion for the test chart
setInterval(function update() {
// Set the new options value from the entered user input (on the site)
$curved = $('#curved').val();
$animation = $('#animation').val();
if ( $old_animation != $animation || $old_curved != $curved) {
test_chart.options.animation = $animation;
test_chart.options.bezierCurves = $curved;
// Tried the following as well
//test_chart.animation = $animation;
//test_chart.options.animation = $animation;
$old_animation = $animation;
$old_curved = $curved;
// Set dataset point 0 value to that of point 1, point 1 to that of point 2 and so on...
test_chart.datasets[0].points[0].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[1].value;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[1].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[2].value;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[2].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[3].value;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[3].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[4].value;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[4].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[5].value;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[5].value = test_chart.datasets[0].points[6].value;
test_chart.scale.xLabels[0] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[1];
test_chart.scale.xLabels[1] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[2];
test_chart.scale.xLabels[2] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[3];
test_chart.scale.xLabels[3] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[4];
test_chart.scale.xLabels[4] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[5];
test_chart.scale.xLabels[5] = test_chart.scale.xLabels[6];
// Get the latest SQL value from the live feed div (hidden) and put that in the last data point
$live_test = $('#live_test').html();
$live_test = parseInt($live_test);
$live_test = $live_test / <?php echo $column_numerator; ?>;
// Get the last update time for the label of the last data point
$live_updated = $('#live_updated').html().substr(11);
test_chart.scale.xLabels[6] = $live_updated;
test_chart.datasets[0].points[6].value = $live_test;
console.log('Latest test value = ' + $live_test + ' this has been updated @: ' + $live_updated);
}, 4000);