
With this solution can i map the Selenium commands to Robot Framework keywords. It works good. But i think its impossible to map all the selenium keywords in the formatters. How can i call Selenium commands in Robot Framework ? In the deprecated library SeleniumLibrary i can call the keyword Call Selenium Apoi. Is there a solution for Selenium2Library ?

I would like this functionality for record a test for Robot Framework with Selenium IDE.

Can you provide an example of a selenium method, that needs to be called directly?jim
Yes as example the keyword Click. In Robot Framework its called Click Element. When i record in Selenium IDE and run it with Robot Framework i received this error: No keyword with name 'click' found. Did you mean Selenium2Library.Click Link. Of course i can map this simple keywords with the solution in the top. But it is impossible to do that for all keywords.Janp95
What I'm asking is an example of a selenium method, that is impossible to match to a robot keyword.jim
Its not impossible to do, but selenium has a lot of keywords (seleniummaster.com/sitecontent/index.php/…). It takes a lot of time to do it manually Is there not eassier solution ?Janp95

1 Answers


There are some solutions to convert Selenese to RF+Selenium2Library.

This is a Python converter, Se-IDE-format-to-Robot-Framework.

This is a Selenium IDE file exporter Robot-Framework-Formatter

It does the mapping you want, and you may expand it using the Resource file. It would be good if more selenese mappings would be proposed by you (PR).