I am developing a C# app of this type: WPF/Prism/Unity (MVVM, regions, modularity, a custom RegionAdapterBase for a Telerik RadDocking control (at the RadDocking level, NOT pane group level) and a pane factory for mapping out which pane group (left right bottom) where a tab should appear).
Everything is good except the DocumentHost. I can get documents to show up there but they all end up having the same tab title. Can you help me understand why this might be?
More background info:
For all documents in the DocumentHost, I have a single module which references a view/viewmodel. The view has a textbox for a query over a datagrid for the table data returned by a query in the textbox. Think SQL Server Mgmt Studio, right click a table and choose select to view data in a table.
When the user right clicks a table, I have a command bound to a context menu "Select Data" option on the "Explorer" pane and the command contains this code:
_container.Resolve<SqlAndDataGridModule>(new DependencyOverride<IConversionExplorerObject>(obj)).Initialize();
What's with "obj"? I'm trying to pass the name of the table I clicked on to the document module so I can set the tab title. Again, this works except for the "overwrite all tabs titles" issue. All tabs are titled with the most recent one I open.
So the SqlAndDataGridModule has an initialize in which I do this:
public void Initialize()
// Register view and view model types
_container.RegisterType<ISqlAndDataGridView_ViewModel, SqlAndDataGridView_ViewModel>();
// Create a view model
SqlAndDataGridView_ViewModel s = new SqlAndDataGridView_ViewModel(_repository, _eventAggregator, _manager);
// Set the property TabTitle to table's name
// This property is bound to RadDocumentPane's header
s.TabTitle = ((ConversionExplorerObject)_explorerObject).Name;
// Create view and inject the view model with the tab title
SqlAndDataGrid sv = _container.Resolve<SqlAndDataGrid>(new DependencyOverride<ISqlAndDataGridView_ViewModel>(s));
// Register the instance in the container
_container.RegisterInstance(s.TabTitle, sv);
// Register the view with the DockRegion
_manager.RegisterViewWithRegion(RegionNames.DockRegion, () => _container.Resolve<SqlAndDataGrid>(s.TabTitle));
I have confirmed that I am creating separate views and view models and I can even see the different tab titles in the debugger. But it seems like somewhere in the binding to the pane header, something is going wrong.
I believe this is a binding issue and not a Telerik issue which is why I'm posting here and not there. Any help is appreciated and I'll be glad to give any more information if it will help. Thanks, Chris