I am using inno setup and trying to install postgres, however I cannot successfully boot up the server in the run section because it closes out of my cmd prompt box where I am logged in as the admin user.
Does anyone know how to create a continuous cmd prompt to enable me to do postgres?
Here is my code:
Filename: "{cmd}"; Flags: runasoriginaluser; Parameters: "/k{src}\..\pgsql\bin/pg_ctl register -N postgres -U postgres -P postgres -D C:\eltfiles\pgsql\data -W -t -o {src}\..\pgsql\bin/initdb -U postgres -A password -E utf8 --pwfile={src}\..\pgsql\bin\password.txt -D C:\xxxfiles\pgsql\data"
Filename: "{cmd}"; Flags: runasoriginaluser; Parameters: "/k {src}\..\pgsql\bin/pg_ctl -D C:\xxxfiles\pgsql\data -l logfile start"