
I had a work for my school where I had to code with symfony I did my thing and posted it on my git


But after doing a clone on my laptop but I noticed that git didn't take in account some of the files in /vendor so i removed the vendor folder and did a

composer install

to reset everything

But right now Im stuck with this error.

[Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\ContextErrorException] Warning: DOMElement::setAttribute(): string is not in UTF-8

Searched every where didn't find anything

Thanks for your help

Did you try an php app/console cache:clear -vvv and read the logs if you find something weird ?Jérôme
BTW I cloned your project, removed the vendor folder with rm -rf vendor/ and re-install all project dependencies with composer install then everything are working wellJérôme

2 Answers


Ok so it seems it was because my project wasn't in the good directory or something I recently changed from mamp to wamp ( win10) My git repo was in the mamp directory but when i changed to the mamp's one it worked


I had the same problem (but on ubuntu 16). Finally i found out that my system charset was ISO. I changed it to UTF-8 by using

dpkg-reconfigure locales